We are together in another article. In this article, we will touch on the subject of “Management of Contracted Institutions”, which is one of the most important sources of income for health institutions. In addition to the Social Security Institution patient group, the important income sources of private health sector hospitals in Turkey are the private health insurances and the patients in other service groups offered by these insurance institutions, private pension funds, foundations and income from intermediary service providers.
The fact that the income obtained from the patients in these groups is high when compared to the income obtained from the Social Security Institution once again shows us how important the Contracted Institution Management is in the private health sector. In the process management with contracted institutions, correct lobbying activities should be carried out without disruptions in the quality of service provided by the health institution.
In the Contracted Institution Management services, which are prepared and followed up by experts working within the body of Fides Health, by carrying out promotion activities specifically for private health sector institutions and organizations, you can confirm your existing or new agreements with private insurance companies and other private health coverage service providers, in which you are involved. We ensure that it takes place at the highest rates in the market.
Contracted Institution Management services that we offer, as Fides Health;