Today, communication services developed by health institutions and organizations by themselves or shaped by independent agencies; Roughly speaking, on the one hand, it is the process of promotion of the services provided by health organization for the public on the other hand, it is the process of perceiving and assessing the demands of the public.
The Health Sector is a more sensitive sector than many other sectors due to its dynamics and principles. Even when approached from this perspective, the commercial dimension of the service provided and the content of the service contradict each other.
Important sources of revenue of private health sector in Turkey are the income generated through Social Security Institution patient group as well as private health insurances and the patients in other service groups of these insurance companies, private retirement funds, foundations and the companies
However, it should not be forgotten that there is a large system behind this area. This system is generally hospital institution. Marketing and communication draw the attention as the parts of the health sector that are being increasingly important in this system. In many institutions, we see that these two ...
Health tourism means that individuals want to leave their own country borders and seek treatment in another country to regain their health. Health tourism in the world and in our country is a rapidly rising trend in recent years and it is a particularly important alternative tourism type.